Shop Updates

My crocheting took a bit of a standstill this past week as I’ve been working hard on my shop. I have a new URL now ( that redirects to my etsy shop, which I think is pretty nifty.

I restocked a lot of washi tape — mostly new and super cute designs that I’m very excited about.

These are some of my favorites. It’s taking me a bit of effort not to use them for myself!

These stickers are also absolutely adorable and I am happy to have them now available in my shop. I love the vintage feel they have to them, and the illustrations are adorable.

I am also starting to include my own art in my shop like these fun Pokemon-inspired stickers. I hope to make more stickers of my art available soon!

I am finished working for the day so perhaps I’ll pick up my crochet hook and do a few more rounds. I love how bright this blanket is turning out to be. x

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  1. Pingback: Mandalas | Paper Elf

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